8086 microprocessor is introduced in 1978 by intel co. and adopted by IMB for their PC in 1981. The intel 8086 is 16 bit, N-channel, HMOS(High speed - MOS) microprocessor, It consumes less power and draws 360mA current on 5V supply.8086 is manufactured for standard temperature range 32F to 180F as well as extended temp. range 40F to 225F. In market 3 version of 8086 are available
S. No. | Version | Frequency |
1. | 8086 | 5 Mhz |
2. | 8086-1 | 10 Mhz |
3. | 8086-2 | 8 Mhz |
It is built on a single-semiconductor chip and packed in 40 pin IC pack, the package is DIP (Dual In-Line Package).It contains an electronic circuit of 29000 transistors. 8086 is the first member of X86 or 80X86 family followed by 8088, 80186, 80188, 80386, 80486 and Pentium names.
Features of 8086 microprocessor:
1. It is 16 bit microprocessor.
2. It has 20 address lines, so it can address 220 = 1mb memory locations.
3. It has multiplexed address and data bus which reduced the no. Of pins needed, but multiplexing slightly slow down the transition of data.
4. It has 16 control lines for providing handshaking singles during bus transfer and for permitting at least some external control of the CPU.
5. It requires only one, +5 volt supply voltage.
6. It supports both multiprogramming and multiprocessing.
7. Its instruction stream byte queue speed up its execution of instruction.
Pin Description of 8086:
AD0-AD15: (Bidirectional) Address/data lines, these are low order address bus and multiplexed with data.
AD16-AD20: High order address bus multiplexed with status signals.
AD16/S3,AD17/S4: AD16 & AD17 multiplexed with segment identifier signals S3 & S4,
AD18/S5: AD18 is multiplexed with interrupt status S5,
AD19/S6: AD19 is multiplexed with status signal S6.



RESET (Input) : System is reset. The signal is Active high.
CLK (input) : Clock 5,10 or 8 MHz
INTR(Interrupt Request):
0 | 0 | No operation |
0 | 1 | 1st byte of opcode from queue |
1 | 0 | Empty the Queue |
1 | 1 | Subsequent byte from Queue |
| | |
NMI (Input): Non maskable interrupt request.




![]() | ![]() | ![]() | Operation |
0 | 0 | 0 | Interrupt acknowledge. |
0 | 0 | 1 | Read data form I/O port. |
0 | 1 | 0 | Write Data to I/O port. |
0 | 1 | 1 | Halt. |
1 | 0 | 0 | Opcode fetch. |
1 | 0 | 1 | Memory Read. |
1 | 1 | 0 | Memory Write. |
1 | 1 | 1 | Passive state. |









Vcc : Power Supply. GND: Ground
Operating modes of 8086:
1. Minimum Operating Mode: In this mode 8086 works only as CPU of the System.
2. Maximum Operating Mode: In this mode issue of I/O peripheral and Memory is included.
Block Diagram of 8086:
BUS Interface Unit (BUI): BUI provides an interface of 8086 microprocessor to the outside world. The BUI is responsible for performing all external bus operations. It provides a 16-bits Bidirectional data bus and 20 bits unidirectional address bus.
Roles of BUI:
1. It sends out address.
2. Fetches instruction from memory.
3. Reads data from the ports and memory.
4. Write data to ports and memory.
Execution Unit (EU): EU contains control circuitry of the microprocessor and translates the instruction fetched from the memory into a series of actions. The 16 bit ALU of execution unit carries out addition, subtraction, AND, OR, XOR, increment, decrement, complement of the binary numbers.
Instruction Stream Byte Queue: It is also named as instruction Queue or The Queue. This Queue is a set of 6 registers each can store one byte. While EU decodes and executes the instruction then it does not uses buses, in this time BUI fetches upto six instructions and store these prefetched instruction in this FIFO register set. When EU Ready for next instruction it simply reads the prefetched instruction from the Queue. This is much faster than getting instruction from the memory. But in case of JUMP and CALL instruction Queue must be dumped and reloaded stating from new address.
Note: The process of Fetching next instruction while current instruction executes is called pipelining.
Sequential Memory Organization: 8086 microprocessor has 220 = 1,048,576 = 1 Mb locations. Each having 1,048,576 addresses represents a byte wide locations, A 16-bit word will be stored in two consecutive locations. If the 1st word has even address, 8086 can read entire word in one operation and if address is odd then 8086 reads 1st byte with one bus operation another with 2nd bus operation.
MEMORY SEGMENTS: Memory of 8086 is divided into 4 segments each of 64kb within the 1Mb memory space. Each segment represents 64kb consecutive memory location.
Each Segment is assigned a base address that identifies the starting address of the segment.
Merits of Memory Segmentation :
1. It facilitates the separate memory area for a program, its data, and the stack.
2. It facilitates the Multiprogramming and multitasking.
3. It permits a program and/or its data to be put into different areas of memory each time the program is executed.
4. Memory capacity becomes 1 mB even through the addres associated with the individual instruction are only 16 bit long.
Registers of 8086:
1. General Purpose Register (GPR): There are 4 16 bit GPR ( AX, BX, CX, DX) further divided into two 8 bit register.
16 bit Register | 8 bit High Order Register | 8 bit Low Order Register |
AX | AH | |
BX | BH | BL |
CX | CH | CL |
DX | DH | DL |
2. Pointer and Index Register: There are two pointer and two index register in 8086.
a. Stack Pointer (SP)
b. Base Pointer (BP)
c. Source Index (SI)
d. Destination Index (DI)
3. Segment Registers( CS, DS, ES, SS)
Instruction pointer: It is a 16 bit register and identifies the address of the next instruction to be executed in the code segment. 16 bit content of the IP is called offset or Effective Address (EA).

Physical Address (PA) = Effective Address (EA) + Code segment (CS)
5. Status Flag( There are 9 flag register in 8086)
Classification of 8086 Instructions
1. Data Transfer Instruction: Move, load, store, exchange, input, output, push, and pop are data transfer instruction. For these instructions source and destination may be register, memory and port. e.g.: MOV, XCHG, POP, PUSH etc.
2. Arithmetic Instruction: Instruction of this group perform addition, subtraction, multiplication division, increment, decrement, comparison, ASCII and decimal adjustment etc. E.g.: ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, CMP etc.
3. Logical Instruction: These instructions perform logical operations. E.g.: AND, OR, XOR, NOT and TEST operation. Rotate and shift operation may be included in this group.
4. Program Execution Transfer (Branch) Instruction: Instruction of this group transfer program execution from the normal sequence to specific destination or target. After the execution of such instruction process start fetching instruction from some new address, rather than continuing same address. E.g. : JMP,JA(JUMP if Above), JAE(JUMP if above or equal),JB(JUMP if Below) JBE, JC, JNC, JNB(JUMP if not Below), JNA etc.
a. Iteration Control Instruction: Such as LOOP , LOOPE, LOOPZ, LOOPNE, LOOPNZ etc may be included in this group.
b. Interrupt Instruction: such as INT (Software Interrupt), INTO (Interrupt on Overflow) and IRET (Return form Interrupt Service Subroutine) can also include in this group.
c. Processor Control Instruction: Instructions of this group are related to flag manipulation and machine control. Example: CLC (Clear Carry Flag), CLD (Clear Direction Flag), CLI (Clear Interrupt Flag) etc.
Addressing Modes of 8086:
There are 8 addressing modes in 8086
Ø Register Addressing: Operand is placed in a 16 bit or 8 bit register.
E.g. : a. MOV AX,BX
Ø Immediate Addressing: Operand is specified in the instruction itself.
E.g.: a. MOV AL,35H
b. ADD BX,0102H
Ø Direct Addressing: Operands Offset is given in the instruction itself.
E.g.: a. ADD AL ,[0310]
b. ADD AX,[0310]
Ø Register Indirect Addressing: Operands Offset is placed in any register(BX,BP or SI) specified in the instruction.
E.g.: a. MOV AX,[BX]
b. ADD AL,[SI]
Ø Based Addressing: Offset of Operand is sum of the content of BX or BP with 8 bit or 16 bit displacement.
Offset( E.A.) = [ BX + 8 bit or 16 bit Displacement]
E.g.: a. MOV AL,[BX+05]
b. MOV AL,[BX+1346H]
Ø Index Addressing: Operand’s Offset is sum of content of Index Register(SI or DI) and 8bit or 16 bit displacement.
Offset =[SI or DI + 8 bit or 16 bit displacement]
E.g.: a. ADD AX,[SI+05]
b. MOV BX,[DI+1523H]
Ø Based Indexed Addressing: Offset of operand is sum of Base Register and Index register .
Offset = [BX or BP] +[SI or DI]
E.g. a. ADD AX,[BX+SI]
Ø Based Indexed with Displacement : Offset is given as follows
Offset = [BP or BX] + [SI or DI] + 8 bit or 16 bit Displacement
E.g.: a. MOV AX,[BX+SI+05]
b. ADD AX,[BX+SI+1234H]
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